Saturday, September 21, 2013

Minecraft Snapshot 13w38c: Latest 1.7 Snapshot

The 1.7 snapshots have been released! Or, the latest snapshots. There may be more snapshots and we will be expecting the update very soon. This Blog Post will be a guide to the current 1.7 planned features. Please be aware that Mojang has not posted any information on their website. Many things may be overlooked in this post.

First, they have added one more world type generator. It is labeled "AMPLIFIED" on the Create World menu. It does require a good computer if you don't want to crash and lag. The Amplified option just adds extremely large mountains and just kind of makes everything larger, like the trees. There are two new command: /summon. You can now summon enderdragons and giants. Just make sure you type the name with a capital, like EnderDragon, or Creeper, or Giant. The other command is /achievement. You can now give anybody an achievement with that command. They have added way more biomes, but I just ca't seem to find any. The ones that I know of are Savannah, Deep Ocean, Roofed Forest, Birch Forest and Plateau. There are WAY more. Another thing I have noticed is that you no longer have to wait 4 seconds in a portal to go to the nether. All you have to do now is just jump through. They have added 2 new enchantments: Lure and Luck of the Sea. The Lure enchantment gives you a higher chance of catching fish, and Luck of the Sea can make you catch items instead of fish. Luck of the Sea only works in oceans. Also, both enchantments go up to Level III. There are three new types of fish: Pufferfish, Salmon, and Clownfish. Salmon and Clownfish are able to be eaten, and Salmon may be cooked. If Pufferfish is eaten, the player will receive Hunger III, Poison IV, and Nausea II. Pufferfish is supposed to be used in brewing. If you brew a Pufferfish with an Awkward Potion, you will get a potion of Water Breathing. That will allow you to breath underwater until the effect wears off. Now, item frames will drop the item when punched, and drop themselves if punched again. If an item is renamed in an anvil, the name will be displayed if looked at when in a item frame. There are many new flowers, and some of them are 2 blocks high. They are:
Poppy, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Red Tulip, Orange Tulip, White Tulip, Pink Tulip, Oxeye Daisy, Lilac, Doulbe TallGrass, Large Fern, Rose Bush, and Peony.
The menu has been completely redesigned. You can go into Music & Sounds to change the volume of certain sounds in the game, or go into Video Settings, which hasn't changed that much. The Resource Packs feature has been entirely changed. If you click a resource pack in the left panel, it will go to the right. You can click ones on the right to move it to the left. The point of this is that all the resource packs on the right will be used. If there is any block on the top that isn't edited, it will go to the second pack, and if there is any block that isn't changed in that one, it will go to the next one, and so on. There is now a Multiplayer Settings button. You can change if the Chat is shown, the size, and all sorts of stuff. There is a button that says Super Secret Settings... If you click that, it will give your vision some wacky effect, and it will change every time you click it. You can press F4 ingame at any time to switch back to normal vision. That button could be useful for filming. the Controls settings have just been redesigned, but nothing new has been added. The achievements feature has been changed. If you get an achievement, it will not appear on any other world or server, like previously before.

A known bug in this snapshot is that you cannot scroll down in the Creative menu on the Combat and Materials tab.

That is all that I know about snapshot 13w38c. I hope you enjoyed this Snapshot Features post. You can see the Youtube account associated with this blog here:
If it is not too much trouble, please subscribe. It only takes one click of the mouse to help me out way more than you think. This is a developing blog and Youtube Channel. Blogs can be released on any day of the week, and I will try my best to release at least one video per weekend.

 Giant along with zombies.

 EnderDragon summoned with /summon
End Portal dropped by EnderDragon. This will lead you to the End.

Minecraft Server Review: Uberminecraft

Uberminecraft is no doubt one of the most populated servers on Minecraft About 2500 people are playing on it at a time. 2,600,000 unique players have been on. 21 minigames can be seen in the navigation menu, and there are tons more sprinkled around the map. The minigames are listed here. Most people think that the portals just lead to other servers and Uberminecraft just gets popular from other servers. That is not true, though they are accepting requests to put portals leading to your server in their lobby. That way, you could make your own server more well known. Each minigame has 2 - 12 portals leading to more servers, so if one is full, there will usually be another server you can join.

1. Cops and Robbers
2. SkyWars
3. Dwarves Vs Zombies
4. MineStrike
5. BombCraft
6. Minecraft DOTA
7. Super Craft Bros
8. PirateCraft
9. SkyBlock
10. Minecraft Hunger Games
11. Factions
12. Minecraft DayZ
13. The Walls
14. Capture The Flag (CTF)
15. ZombieCraft
16. Mine Fortress
17. ZoneCraft
18. Build Server
19. TowerCraft
20. QuakeCraft

There are 22 more minigames on the other side of the spawn, and each has more than 1 portal leading there.

If you would like to join this server, the ip is

If you would like to check out the Youtube Channel associated with this Blog, go here.                                             
If it is not too much trouble, please subscribe. It only takes one click to help me out more than you think you possibly can. My Minecraft username is Dangerousmobs147.

Minecraft VS Roblox

This discussion is all over the internet, and I'm pretty sure most of you are aware of it. Minecraft and Roblox are two competing games. People say Minecraft is better because of the gameplay. People say Roblox sucks because of the community. But here's the truth: WHO CARES?! The player should be able to choose what game they want to play themselves, and not be judged over the internet by what they play! This is an exact forum post on Roblox made by me:

Everybody has their own opinion, but this article is just going way too far. You don't have to insult Minecraft just because they have more players. Java is a very powerful language, and Lua is less commonly used. Roblox does not run on Cpp, and You can easily download a Resource pack and get realistic pictures in seconds, without having to use a tool to manually apply decals to every single side of every single brick in your world. In my opinion, I think Minecraft is better because the community is sadly, way better than Roblox. On Roblox, there are way more Trollers and Griefers than on Minecraft. And Roblox does not copy Minecraft because it was released way earlier than Minecraft. You have to look on both sides of the argument before you start insulting a game. I know from experience that Java is harder to script than Lua anyways, and those people at Mojang are actually able to make a more than decent game with a way more advanced language. Roblox is good, but the coding is so simple you just CAN'T do the things on Roblox that you can do on Minecraft. It's the truth. Java has way more possibilities than Lua. I'm sure more than half the Roblox players would agree. And if you want to hate on this post, then I bet you haven't even player Minecraft. You can even watch a video on it. Then, you'll see the possibilities of Minecraft and what you can do with Java.

It is in reply to an article that says "Minecraft Sucks." The author of that topic has obviously not played Minecraft at all. This is what he posted:

Minecraft just stinks in my opinion. I will support my opinion by proving many facts and statements, and so on.

Minecraft can be a great and enjoyable game. But, at some times, it can fail so bad. Having to punch tree trunks in first person with only your fists should be enough to deter most people from playing this thing.

The whole time Minecraft existed, there were trolls. They did sorts of crazy unimaginable things, such as cover the outside of your buildings completely in lava, or set a trap door nearby your chest. Maybe even spawn some diamond ore with a creeper nearby...

Minecraft says you can build unlimited things and use your imagination. But that was a waste of time. The more things you build, the more laggier it gets! You'd be lucky to last a whole minute in any building server without any lag.

With ROBLOX, the speed is usually fair, and it's all the same. With an empty baseplate, you get the same speed as you would with a baseplate filled with random buildings. Lag is such a terrible thing. Thank the creators ROBLOX doesn't have it as much.

Lets go to another category: the graphics. Above all, they are completely HORRID. Sure, there's mods for that, but why waste your time with mods when in ROBLOX you can just use decals? Decals are very easy to create while mods are time-consuming.

In my opinion (READ CAREFULLY, this is MY opinion) ROBLOX is WAY better than Minecraft. Let me compare the two games, ok?

ROBLOX: Overpriced sales for B.C, T.B.C, and O.B.C.
Minecraft: Only $20 and you can play the game FOREVER. In some cases, Minecraft is also free to download.

ROBLOX: They were advertising since 2007 or something and they only got a few million players.
Minecraft: This game started in 2009 with NO advertising, and they have more players than ROBLOX.

ROBLOX: Admins abuse their 'admin powers' and ban anybody they do not now.
Minecraft: Admins actually BAN those who troll, hack, grief, etc.

ROBLOX: Smooth and easy controls. Can be played on almost any console or handheld device available.
Minecraft: Difficult and choppy controls on handheld devices.

ROBLOX: Great texture pack design and graphics setting!
Minecraft: Bad texture pack design and no graphics setting.

ROBLOX: No mods. So what? You don't need mods to enjoy a game.
Minecraft: Mods. Who cares?

ROBLOX: Millions and millions of items you can use to customize your avatar!
Minecraft: Same as ROBLOX, but with lesser features.

ROBLOX: They care about what we say!
MInecraft: They just care about money...

ROBLOX: Can rely on admins to ban abusive players!
Minecraft: Admins ban people in a server at an average of 10 people an hour.

ROBLOX: Can post certain links.
Minecraft: Can post any links, but unable to copy from the chat bar.

ROBLOX: You can say anything you like on the forums.
Minecraft: You can only say certain things in the forums.. -_-

I think I've proved my point. Seriously guys! Plain and simply, ROBLOX is all-around much better than Minecraft, having much better features, improved settings, and superior graphics (with the help of decals hehehehe).

Here's some other stuff I would like to add. This is a CRUCIAL part in gameplay. You don't pay, you can't pay. That's how Minecraft works. ROBLOX is a different story: you can play online for free if you'd like!

Minecraft is very terrible to players of a young age. Survival mode can be scary experiences for them (this is no joke, I once got a nightmare of a zombie horde coming to my house and knocking down the door when I was 9). ROBLOX is more well-known than Minecraft.

Here's why: I made a survey of the two games and tried to see who liked which game better. The winning game is ROBLOX. Despite hackers, noobs, guests, and OD'ers, you can ACTUALLY enjoy the game without any lag!

The graphics on ROBLOX are also way better than Minecraft. You're probably thinking that the graphics are just about the same, but ROBLOX's graphics can be tweaked with the decals and that amazing graphic setting.

You may still think that ROBLOX is originally bad with graphics but, to be honest, Minecraft runs about 1.5 frames per second. ROBLOX's animations are very smooth. Minecraft's walk animations look really laggy.

Now you're probably thinking that ROBLOX doesn't have scripting and not much stuff to do. Well, ROBLOX runs from C++. Minecraft runs from java. You can easily experience great gameplay without the fear of terrible lag!

Sadly it is true that ROBLOX copies Minecraft. They made a terrain generator just like Minecraft's. But, it's SO much better and more smooth (in my opinion).

Some people may say that you don't have to pay for Minecraft. But the question is, why wouldn't you pay for Minecraft? You don't pay, you can't play (as mentioned before). Simple as that. You can go on ROBLOX for FREE!

Well, that's pretty much it. Please state something in the comments if you think I've made a mistake or something. Please, no rude or negative comments! Treat my opinion with great respect as I would to yours.

This is another reply to that topic:

Minecraft can be a great and enjoyable game. But, at some times, it can fail so bad. Having to punch tree trunks in first person with only your fists should be enough to deter most people from playing this thing.

You don't have to play in first person. And if you don't get wood, how else would you survive?

The whole time Minecraft existed, there were trolls. They did sorts of crazy unimaginable things, such as cover the outside of your buildings completely in lava, or set a trap door nearby your chest. Maybe even spawn some diamond ore with a creeper nearby...

True, but think of Roblox to.

Minecraft says you can build unlimited things and use your imagination. But that was a waste of time. The more things you build, the more laggier it gets! You'd be lucky to last a whole minute in any building server without any lag.

It just based on how your good your computer is. HOWEVER, Roblox is less laggier than Minecraft.

Lets go to another category: the graphics. Above all, they are completely HORRID. Sure, there's mods for that, but why waste your time with mods when in ROBLOX you can just use decals? Decals are very easy to create while mods are time-consuming.

Minecraft was MEANT to be a block game. A pure block game. Don't judge a game by it's graphics.

ROBLOX: Overpriced sales for B.C, T.B.C, and O.B.C.
Minecraft: Only $20 and you can play the game FOREVER. In some cases, Minecraft is also free to download.


ROBLOX: They were advertising since 2007 or something and they only got a few million players.
Minecraft: This game started in 2009 with NO advertising, and they have more players than ROBLOX.

Minecraft wins for that one.

ROBLOX: Admins abuse their 'admin powers' and ban anybody they do not now.
Minecraft: Admins actually BAN those who troll, hack, grief, etc.


ROBLOX: Smooth and easy controls. Can be played on almost any console or handheld device available.
Minecraft: Difficult and choppy controls on handheld devices.

People's opinion.

ROBLOX: Great texture pack design and graphics setting!
Minecraft: Bad texture pack design and no graphics setting.


ROBLOX: No mods. So what? You don't need mods to enjoy a game.
Minecraft: Mods. Who cares?

Mods makes life better, deal with it.

ROBLOX: Millions and millions of items you can use to customize your avatar!
Minecraft: Same as ROBLOX, but with lesser features.

Roblox customizing features cost money. Minecraft's is practically free. You can even choose in Minecraft if you're a lazy bum bum, or if you're creative, you can make your own outfit. But sure, Roblox does have more features than Minecraft on that.

ROBLOX: They care about what we say!
MInecraft: They just care about money...

I actually LOL'ed on that one. Pretty much Both of them care about money.

ROBLOX: Can rely on admins to ban abusive players!
Minecraft: Admins ban people in a server at an average of 10 people an hour.

LOLNO. I don't know about the Minecraft one, yes ROBLOX ban abusive players. But not always. If you mean ingame admins, they are abusive. If you mean ROBLOX admins, back in the past, they banned people for no reason.

ROBLOX: Can post certain links.
Minecraft: Can post any links, but unable to copy from the chat bar.

You can click on a link and use copy clipboard...

ROBLOX: You can say anything you like on the forums.
Minecraft: You can only say certain things in the forums.. -_-

This one is actually both anything you like.

I think I've proved my point. Seriously guys! Plain and simply, ROBLOX is all-around much better than Minecraft, having much better features, improved settings, and superior graphics (with the help of decals hehehehe).

Decals aren't so bad.

Here's some other stuff I would like to add. This is a CRUCIAL part in gameplay. You don't pay, you can't pay. That's how Minecraft works. ROBLOX is a different story: you can play online for free if you'd like!

Why do you think Minecraft costs money. (It's a game that deserves money)

Minecraft is very terrible to players of a young age. Survival mode can be scary experiences for them (this is no joke, I once got a nightmare of a zombie horde coming to my house and knocking down the door when I was 9). ROBLOX is more well-known than Minecraft.

At least it teaches how to survive. And most kids at that age aren't going to be 
THAT scared.

Here's why: I made a survey of the two games and tried to see who liked which game better. The winning game is ROBLOX. Despite hackers, noobs, guests, and OD'ers, you can ACTUALLY enjoy the game without any lag!

That's it. The only good thing about Roblox is that it doesn't lag. Noobs, Guests, ODers, FNEFIEF)#J)W!

You may still think that ROBLOX is originally bad with graphics but, to be honest, Minecraft runs about 1.5 frames per second. ROBLOX's animations are very smooth. Minecraft's walk animations look really laggy.


Now you're probably thinking that ROBLOX doesn't have scripting and not much stuff to do. Well, ROBLOX runs from C++. Minecraft runs from java. You can easily experience great gameplay without the fear of terrible lag!

Here's something good about Roblox number two. You can script.

Sadly it is true that ROBLOX copies Minecraft. They made a terrain generator just like Minecraft's. But, it's SO much better and more smooth (in my opinion).


Some people may say that you don't have to pay for Minecraft. But the question is, why wouldn't you pay for Minecraft? You don't pay, you can't play (as mentioned before). Simple as that. You can go on ROBLOX for FREE!

Why do you think ROBLOX is free.

Overall, I disagree with you. There are some points where I agree, but most points I disagree. I don't think Roblox is a bad game, but I think that Minecraft is better. But the reason why I am more commonly on ROBLOX because it doesn't lag and you don't need to download any mods. Mods in Minecraft are great, but the process into downloading it confuses me. I still think that Minecraft is a better game though. The only reason why I don't actualy love Roblox, I will tell you three words. God Damn Bronies.

~ Do you want to see the Rabbits David? ~

So what do you guys think of this matter? Post in the comments of this blog. Please, no flaming or hating. Also, if you would like to check out the Youtube Channel that goes with this blog, go here.

If it is not too much trouble, please subscribe. It doesn't take more than a click of the mouse to help me out way more than you think.

Here is a link to the Forum thread discussed in this blog post:

Friday, September 20, 2013

Minecraft Server Review: KarlariCraft



KarlariCraft is an average vanilla server, but is very fun to play on. They have friendly staff, and simple rules. You obey them, and you don't get banned or jailed. Griefing is allowed, so it is kind of a survival of the fittest server. You have to protect your home from raids and griefs, and be able to get thousands of blocks away from the spawn. It is not a commonly known server, and usually there are only about 6 people on at a time. The server's player limit is 23, and the owner is jetzero123. If you would like to join this server, the ip is here:

If it is not too much trouble, please subscribe to my Youtube Channel. It is very helpful to a developing Blogger. Go here to help out:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Minecraft Server Review: Minesworn

This is my very first Minecraft Server Review. I will release as much as I can, and make them as descriptive as possible. So here goes:

Minesworn is a very good server if you want to show off some of your ep1x sk1llz. They have many plugins and friendly staff. Minesworn includes a guns plugin, a SwornRPG plugin, and much more! I will explain those later. If you would like to join, here is the ip: If you would like to visit the server page, go here:

Some of the items in normal Minecraft have been replaced to be some sort of weapon. All of the garden hoes have been replaced for guns. For example, a golden hoe is now a sniper that shoots flint. A wooden hoe is now a handgun that shoots snowballs. It is an extremely useful plugin that lets you play Minecraft in ways you have never imagined before. Guns will pierce through all kinds of armor, even diamond. So be careful! These are a list of all the guns that (I know of) are in Minesworn: To actually make the hoes look like guns, you need the resource pack. You need to ask an admin about this, because I do not know the link.

Wooden Hoe
Stone Hoe
Iron Hoe
Golden Hoe
Diamond Hoe
Blaze Rod

Some extra items will have special uses. These are for you to figure out!


The custom plugin in Minesworn is called SwornRPG. It is just there to make your experience more realistic. For example, there is a tiny chance you can get diamond from stone, or cobwebs from leaves, or flowers from tall grass. There are also random boosts such as:

Insta-Grow (Crops)
Speed Boost
Fire Damage
Infinite Ammo

If you right click with a sword, it will say "You ready your sword!" If you attack anything before it automatically says you lower your sword, you will go into frenzy mode. During that time, you are stronger, faster, and harder to kill. The duration of your frenzy mode increases as you level up from mob and player kills. If you right click with any kind of pickaxe, it will say that you ready it, and if you start breaking anything, Super Breaker mode will activate. During that period of time, you will break blocks much faster than normal. Again, the duration of that increases with each level up. Both of those power-ups have an extremely long cooldown, but if you level up while resting, you will be able to immediately use them again. Also, if you say /bal, you can check your balance. You can get money from killing mobs, or auctioning. to auction, just say /auc hand (startingbid) (increment). Then, it will be auctioned for 1 minute. People can now say /bid to add the increment value to the current bid once. If somebody wins, they will get the items you auctioned, and the cash will be added to your account. Also, you cannot cancel an auction if it is 30 seconds or less. If somebody bids when there is 20 or less seconds left in the auction, time will be automatically added. That function is called the "Sworn-Craiglist", as the server says.

This plugin will let you build airships and sail them across the air to attack others and drop bombs. There are many types of ships, but the easiest type is an airship, and that is the only one I am gonna discuss in this review, because most of the others require VIP status. To make an airship, you must have at least 40 wool. Build a floating ship, and now get on. You can add dispensers as cannons. To put in a torpedo, you must have 9 tnt and 1 diamond. That will fire one torpedo. If you don't have any diamonds, just put in tnt. Now, get on, and make sure you are holding an ITEM so you can steer the ship in any direction. say /autocraft pilot airship. You will now be able to fly the airship in any direction by holding down the right mouse button. To fire a torpedo in the direction the cannon is facing, say /autocraft torpedo. That will consume 9 tnt and 1 diamond. If you don't have any diamonds, just say /autocraft fire. That will shoot tnt forward without much force. The tnt will still explode on impact.

I am pretty sure you know how to use factions. Just do /f create (name) to create a faction. Do /f desc (description) to set your faction's description. This is what everybody will see if they enter your territory. Be warned that if you are offline for too long, your faction may be disbanded, and your house will be open for looting. say /f invite to invite someone. When they accept, say /f confirm. They just then accept again. Now they are in your faction. They are the lowest rank, an initiate. Say /f initiate (username) to actually promote someone into a member. The higher ranks are mod, admin(can open chests) and owner(will replace you if set).

Those are the main plugins in this server that impact gameplay. If you enjoyed this server review, check out my Youtube Channel, and if it is not too much trouble, please subscribe. It would help out my developing channel out way more than you think. My channel is here:

First Post!

Hello, Internet! This is my first time writing a blog. This blog goes with my Youtube Channel. It is going to be filled with Minecraft Videos of all sorts. Minigames, Multiplayer Gameplay, and much more! If you want to see my Youtube Channel, go here:

There may not be much videos on there at first, but I will try my best to post as much as I can. I don't really have the best recording software, I am not even able to make a facecam or commentary without paying for something. If you guys have a worthwhile free recording software that lets me record facecam or commentary, or both, please contact me! Meanwhile, just stay tuned for more blogs and videos. Videos will usually come out in the weekends.